leading & living with ADHD

Bright Gray Areas

ADHD and Executive Skills: How I came to love Dawson and Guare’s Smart But Scattered Model
Julia Rice Julia Rice

ADHD and Executive Skills: How I came to love Dawson and Guare’s Smart But Scattered Model

What is executive functioning, and are folks with ADHD just unequivocally bad at it? While there's not a definitive consensus among experts, it's a big topic in ADHD coaching, and central to many of the struggles we see. In a continuation of posts for ADHD Awareness Month 2024, I wrote a bit about the most helpful approach to executive functioning I've come across - the executive strengths model published in Smart But Scattered by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare - and why it gives us to much to work with.

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Julia Rice Julia Rice


At key points in their growth cycle, creatures from snakes to shrimp have to shed their skins and exoskeletons to take on a new form in a new stage of life. They have to do this to grow and survive.

In this piece, we talk about times of change and the equal importance of recognizing what you've grown into and what you're ready to leave behind.

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Recognizing Rest in Times of Stress
Julia Rice Julia Rice

Recognizing Rest in Times of Stress

What do you do when you’re facing burnout but having to burn the candle at both ends? In this post, we look at the subtle art of recognizing rest in times of stress.

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What we’re talking about when we’re talking ‘Bright Gray Areas’
Julia Rice Julia Rice

What we’re talking about when we’re talking ‘Bright Gray Areas’

How do we know when things are good, and when they’re bad? The reality is, they’re often both, and they won’t last forever. In this post, we cover possibility, philosophy, gray areas, and the brightness they contain. If you’re curious, I hope you’ll join me in venturing into the Bright Gray Areas.

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What Coaching Is (and Isn’t)
Julia Rice Julia Rice

What Coaching Is (and Isn’t)

When you’re considering coaching, it’s important to be informed. Ethical coaches provide you with clear information on what you’re agreeing to prior to commitment to a coaching engagement. In this post, we do a deep dive into what coaching is – and what it isn't.

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